Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

America Has A Fever, And The Only Cure Is More Celebrity Nuptials

Do you know what I think this country needs? Two celebrities to start dating each other. If we can't get that, I would settle for two celebrities to become engaged, in a mutual engagement, where both parties are engaged to each other, and they are magnificent. In the ideal scenario, they would each have personal trainers. This blessed coupling would act as much-needed salve for the collective emotional wounds which plague our great nation, uniting us together in unity. But less cliched and slightly more eloquent than that.

You might be saying, "what about recently-turned-raving-psychotic Tom Cruise and the girl from that substandard cable channel, Katie Holmes?" Yes, I know about that. I can see the tabloids at the checkout, ok? And then I can buy them at the checkout. And then I can take them home, and read them cover to cover, which I do. I've proven I can do this. However, one problem: I'm the father of Katie Holmes, and I forbid this union. Ok, I'm not. Nor will I make a "Daddy" joke rife with sexual innuendo, because that's immature. Katie Holmes, you cannot, in fact, call me Daddy whenever you want, because that wouldn't turn me on. There.

So why not Tom and Katie? Well, it's not that I'm jealous, I don't think that's the word. It's just that I want to pin Tom's body to the sea floor with a harpoon. During the subsequent mourning period, Katie shall know my comfort. Whatever the word is for that. Something I DO know, this marriage isn't happening on my watch. You'll probably want to know why, so I picked a random opinion out of the atmosphere and then made up reasons for it after the fact. To be fair, these are not so much reasons, as they are nonsensical ramblings of someone who's really mixed-up. Like you can afford to be picky.

--These two have not yet starred in any movies together, and they're supposed to know about love? How are they going to inspire a nation when they can't even manage to be in the same movie? The ideal candidates would be healing the country, whereas these two would prefer to spend all their time not being in movies together.

--Tom Cruise is 42, and Katie Holmes is 26, which is like adult pedophilia. That's not the issue, though. No, the real problem is he takes her out on his motorcycle, and then they both go flying in his private jet. I'm 30, 30 beats 26! Where is my jet and where is the wooing? I can say without equivocation, that no wooing of me, by anybody, had occurred when this issue went to press.

--When I'm 42, I'll probably be rotting away, married to that pesky lady who I've already had 1 or 2 children with. She is so annoying! If it's my luck, I'll be 42, returning home from my job as a homeless person and she will call me on "the cellie" and ask me to steal the latest People Magazine. The top story will be about Tom Cruise flying to the moon and marrying both of the Olsen twins in a special moon ceremony. Authorities will change the moon's orbit just for that day, causing more light to reflect off the Twins' cheekbones, so they poke out better. Then Tom will easily fit both twins into the luggage compartment of his motorcycle jet, and zoom around the craters. So let's recap. In 12 years, I will be emotionally alone (same as now), and Tom Cruise will be flying around with the Bulimia Duo stuffed into his rocket bike. Does this sound like the type of celebrity who's going to help America? I'm not seeing it.

Where does this leave us? As Britney Spears once said, "I'm rich, freakin' rich. It's crazy." I don't know how that quote is relevant, but perhaps you can find a parallel somewhere. Mostly, keep in mind that there exists no quick fix for what ails America, except high profile celebrities marrying each other. They have to be the exact right couple, though, as I've clearly shown. Also remember that real answers to real problems require actual thinking, which is why my ideas generally suck. Sorry about that.


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta say that I have thought about this "perfect union" a bit myself. Does anyone else find it ironic that a girl says "I would like to marry Mr. X" some years ago and then bham it becomes a reality. Com'on Tom, seriously how much easier can you have it. Personally, you have NOOOO game whatsoever and Ms. Holmes is just a easy fall back cuz you were in a slump. Just admit it.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

ah, eric with a c, this is not the first time this has happened! for instance in the 70's or early 80's (so i don't know the specific time frame - i wasn't actually THERE to see it), melissa "laura ingalls" gilbert hung a picture of bruce "scarecrow" boxleitner in her locker, an dreamed about marrying him. in fact she even met him when she was a teeny little laura ingalls, and he didn't care.

but now they're hitched.

erik with a k - why do you assume that tom will be free to marry the olsen twins in th future? are you implying this won't last? i like your point about them not knowing love when they can't manage to wander on to the same movie set at the same time. if only they'd stop wandering on to the same darn red carpet and making out, too.

and fyi, i can get you a private helicopter ride from durango, co to denver as long as you pretend you've got congestive heart failure. i know a guy, that's all i'm sayin'. ;)

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Rob said...

on the one hand, also find it creepy that tom cruise is dating someone who's practically a fetus.
on the other hand, i will be 42 myself in a coupla years, and i would like to maintain the fantasy that technically a 26-yr-old would still be within my reach. if i had electrolysis, a facelift, and viagra. or whatever.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Tom Cruise has gone from hot to dirty old man in 2.2 seconds. What a la-hoo-zah!
The next two celebrities to start dating each other better at least be from the same generation, you know, so they can have something in freakin' commion!
Way to go Bruce, Demi, Billy Joel and Tom! You four are officially on my, "I just threw up a little in my mouth" group!
I wish celebs were as smart as you Erik.
Lois Lane

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Erik said...

eric with a c-i guess this goes to show that even movie stars are forced into 'slumpbuster' mode from time to time.

heatherfeather-the helicopter offer is accepted. no other girls seem to understand that i need to be romanced. well, i need to, so that's that. hopefully you can coach me on typical congestive heart failure mannerisms...

bryan, i know where you're coming from--i'm going to freeze my entire body when i hit 40. but then i'm never going to unfreeze, i'm just going to be iceman from there on out. people will say, "hey ice, what's up?", to which i will cleverly reply, "not my core body temperature!", and then we will share a laugh, because it will be the truth!

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you have to be in the Church of Scientology to get babes? But wait a month or two before you convert-- if John Travolta starts dating Lindsay Lohan, then you'll know. Let the Erik-wooing begin!

But wait-- What if Scientologists can only get babes that are 15-20 years younger? GROSS. I guess you'll have to wait another 10 years to join up. You'll have to find some other way to attract wooers in the meantime. I hear having a secret identity and a superpower works pretty well.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Erik said...

lois, look at you sneak in a comment between my comments. i think that's because you didn't care what i would have to say about your comment, you just like to have your say and let that be it. sorry to ruin your plans. ok, i'm done for now, but i'll be back.

erin-near as i can tell, scientology is basically a dietary/exercise program. i'm probably currently following most of their tenets by accident anyway. but no babes yet. will keep trying.


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