Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

There's a lot of hullabaloo in the health and psychology magazines these days about how to engage in non-acrimonious relationships with other humans, a skill made obsolete by the invention of console video games. While it would be accurate to say I don't actually read those magazines, that's probably what they talk about. I guess the main reason I don't read more of them is that I'm already quite knowledgeable on the subject. Not to be cocky, but the amount of knowledge I possess would probably power the sun, if I could harness it properly.

So here's my concern: What if I my understanding of this topic is so great that decades of research and clinical trials are as tiny anthills compared to my towering mountains of knowledge? To account for this possibility, I'm going to publish some of my best stuff right now. You'll notice that much of what I talk about is standard-industry stuff, but with a few tweaks. The result of this was that most of my concepts are now indistinguishable from something a 5-year-old would come up with. Luckily, that's pretty much par for the course with my material, so there we go and no harm done.

Let's start with the mistaken but widely held belief that you shouldn't hate yourself if you want someone else to love and respect you. Many experts, or morons, I should say, agree with this. Unfortunately, there are more holes in this theory than swiss cheese. Maybe I'll just call it the swiss cheese theory. Who needs both love and respect? No one, really. No respect is fine, because the person would still have love, which is like going 1 for 2 on the basketball court. If I'm shooting 50% on the hardcourts, that's a percentage I can live with as a coach, any day of the week. It's like, oops, you missed the shot at gaining respect in this lifetime, kid. But if there's reincarnation, you could go out there in the game of life and give it another try. Maybe you'll come back as a powerful lion. Name me one person who doesn't respect a lion. I take it by your silence that you are unable to produce such a person. Point made.

Oh look, here's the latest issue of Psychology Today, and there's a section where crazy people write in and ask for advice. I wonder what it says.

Dear Dr. Spankenhauser,

I feel like my girlfriend and I are drifting apart. More accurately, it's like she's in a motor boat, speeding away. She says I don't have any interests of my own, I follow her around the house, and I have no long term goals. The truth is, I don't even have short-term goals. Should I mention this error of hers or let it go? I really want to save this relationship. I also like to call her when she's at work, over and over again. If it makes a difference, she has booty for days. What do you think?

Pathetic and Lonely in Minneapolis

Ok, this one is tricky, I don't think I can trust Dr. Spunkhowzer with it. I'll take over here.


Definitely call her at work and explain that if she can't love you for who you are, then you will change everything about yourself in order for that to be possible. Tell her you're open to changing anything, including your rib cage structure, birth order, and personality, even if that was mostly determined by genetics. The core of who you are is simply a distraction which interferes with the larger purpose, which is to get her to love you. Finally, ask her to rescue you and make you feel safe, because women like to care for their boyfriends as they would helpless children.

This should work, but on the off chance she never speaks to you again, there will likely be a grieving process for both of you. For her grieving process, please direct her to my office. Notice my grieving hours of 11 pm to 4 am. This is gonna be hot, I mean, good luck.

So there it is. Yet one more mind and soul, healed. Why does no one pay me to be a counselor, you ask? Seriously, you're asking? Wow.


At 8:58 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

dear dr. spank-tastic,

i have this friend who likes to eat everything that crosses his path. has it been on the floor for a week? no problem, he'll just eat the maggots that are in the way of the original morsel. i try to tell him that this is the grossest thing i've ever witnessed and that i'm not ok with his face being anywhere near me. but he just gives me the puppy dog eyes until i relent and allow him the privilege of kissing me. is this a sign of weakness or needing to be loved on my part? or do i just have a high threshold for grossness.

revolted but not repelled

(ps, he is actually my dog so i mean "puppy dog eyes" quite literally)

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Rob said...

how can you talk about gross things dogs will eat, and omit entirely the issue of vomit?

i feel completely cheated.

if that isn't the point of your comment, then it should have been.

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alas, the comment section of your brilliant post seems to have plunged into a "discussion" on vomit, maggots and dog spittle. Perhaps I can raise the level a bit. I am a female person and when I was in high scool I had a boy friend who was always trying to psyche me out by asking me questions just so he could predict and/or analyze my answers. Luckily he broke up with me before serious damage was done, but I learned that this was no way to be in a relationship. You can't have a relationship with somebody who is a control freak.
The subject of pleasant relationships (how to have them, etc.) between a man and a woman is too vast to tackle in one post or even a hundred posts, but I think "falling in love" is when neither person cares if they have control, so to speak. They just want to be together and there is that special "spark" (no jokes please). I liked your post very much.

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Dr. Spankmedaily, Why is it that I have changed all of the annoying things about myself and my man, well he isn't really mine just yet but, why won't he give in to my needs, wants, desires?
I have undergone every change in the book to be the perfect woman. I've bought a liquor store, become a trillionaire, I've had breast enhancement and pretty soon I'll have my boy parts removed. So why can't he just see all I have done for him? WHY! WHY? WHY!?
Lois Lane

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am your regular anonymous person but I did not write that comment. Just clarifying.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Erik said...

heatherfeather-maggots are repulsive, yes, but they are also capable of giving great love. don't worry about needing to be loved, we all need love. the important thing is that you just keep kissing and eating those maggots!! i don't care, eat them!

anon 1-thanks for bringing some levity. As was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, the commenters around here don't always stay strictly on topic. ;)

your ex-bf sounds a little strange, did he think he was in spy school or what?

lois-it's obvious you've done your homework as far as what men truly desire, no sane man could possibly refuse what you have to offer. therefore, the only logical conclusion is that he's actually insane. no remaining options but that you must off cut his boy parts.

anon 2-do you see now how complicated you've made everything? how can we go on living this way?

At 11:36 PM, Blogger particleman said...

what if P&L's girlfriend is actually Lois, who Erik plans to meet between the hours of 11 pm and 4 am?

yeah, that's what i thought. i think i should be the one doing the analyzing here. i've got this all figured out. you will be receiving my bill shortly.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry.
I just wanted to make it better.

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Blogball said...

This was well worth waiting for. Great post Erik.
I love the names Dr. Spankenhauser & Dr. Spunkhowzer
I don’t know if these guys are the same person or if you meant to do that but it worked for me.
Plus how can you not laugh at the term booty for days.

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Erik-Aren't you curious to know who the "not usual" Anonymous commenter is? (Not to step on the territory of the usual Anonymous)

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Erik said...

blogball-everything i do is intentional, if you liked it that way. if you didn't like it, then rest assured, i meant to do it totally different. :)

anon 1-indeed i am. just reply to this with your name real quick, i won't even show anybody. look, i'm activating the 'shield from other readers' option right now. see? de-activated.

At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erik, I can't risk others knowing and I don't believe in your shield thing. I can only give you a hint which you must not respond to publicly. I am much larger than a bread box and once I tried to ride to Russia on my bike.


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