Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Well, it looks like it's that time of year again, and I'm not referring to that time when I shave off all my body hair and run up and down the street in my underwear. Yes, that's exhilirating, and yes, I feel very primal and animalistic when I do that, but it's not the subject of this post, so stop hoping. I said no, so don't ask anymore. Ok, now you just look desperate. Plus, this is a family website, we're trying to limit the off-color topics. We also have limits here on ingenuity, interesting subjects, and things that look like they might at some point become a subject.

Alright, enough horseplay. The topic at hand is that today is the 6 year anniversary of my hire date at my job. My job is like a girlfriend who's really rich, so reality dictates that you can't break up with her, but you still hate her. Except my salary is really low--so I guess my job is more like a homeless girlfriend who has cancer. The hate is equal, though.

I'm sure there are other jobs out there in jobland, but to dwell on that sort of thing is unproductive, and could possibly lead to me finding another job, which is quite obviously out of the question. If I got a different job, what’s next? Being comfortable with who I am as a person? Not being clinically depressed? That's a slippery slope, my friends. My father, who has since passed on (just kidding--he's still alive. Hey Dad.), taught me to list the pros and cons of a situation, in order to figure out the next best step. Despite the fact that finding a new job is not something I want to be involved with, I'll do it out of respect for him. (R.I.P.) <---joke


  • affair with female boss going well
  • wall calendar has pretty nice pictures
  • relatively high ceiling sometimes gives illusion of job not sucking
  • wall calendar in the number 4 spot as well


  • Job is not Sports Illustrated swimsuit photographer
  • Open cubicle prohibits having a good cry now and again
  • All web surfing closely monitored
  • You know what I'm talking about

    At this point, you probably have a question that you're really proud of yourself for thinking of, like, "Rather than make clever little blog posts about your current job, why don't you devote your energy to finding a different one?"

    You might even think your query to be incisive and thoughtful, when in reality, it's simply a question that makes no sense. Let me give you an example: "Why does the journey of a destination take the very life abundant?" Can you even begin to decode that? Of course you can’t. As you can see, some questions in life have no answer, and that's the end of that. I think the problem is, you expect everything to be explained from a frame of reference where I have ambition, or a will to live.

    In closing, I'd like to bring up autistic people. They don't like it when the furniture is re-arranged, and sometimes they will arbitrarily hate certain colors. Yet many of them have extraordinary mathematical minds. Given this new information, do you still hate autistic people? Would you still yell at them for not having very good social skills? Okay, you probably wouldn't, so I'd appreciate it if you could lay off me for a second. Think of me like you would an autistic person, except for I'm not as picky with colors, and I won't have a seizure if you move the coffee table. Hey, that reminds me of a good tag line for a resumé, if I had one:

    Autism: I will do you one better.

    Alright, that’s enough job searching for this year. Looking for new work has me totally drained, as usual.

    At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    oh, Erik, why do you waste your considerable talents here? you need a column in a newspaper, and I am going to get you the printspace you need to really mess with the minds of the masses. Yeah, blogging is cool and all, but come on, who really surfs the net? It's all about having a piece of paper in your hands, man; real words on a page.
    Or maybe I've got that reversed, but you see my point: this blog is your donation to the people; you are only getting out what you put in. You, however, could be like me, and be PAID (albeit, poorly) to warp minds and piss off pundits. Endless horizons and vast arrays of door will open at your command, when you become a *freelance journalist*.
    (cue music)

    See where I'm going with this?

    At 2:42 PM, Blogger Erik said...

    thanks--yeah, i definitely see the direction you're headed. :) i would love to educate more people, but how to best infect their brains? i guess that's where you come in, if this is michele. even if it's not, is that still where you come in?

    At 5:51 PM, Blogger unca said...

    I think you need to pause for a minute or two and then ask yourself the following:
    If the fisherman tickle the belly of the blue trout, what then of the handmaiden?

    At 6:21 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

    gollywillikers, did i ever pick the right day to post an apathetic poster on my site.

    anyhow, did you know i used to work with autistic people? i did. i hung out on the floor and played games and sung songs and read books and talked about songs and colors annd other stuff. it was fun. it was also hard. fun but hard. fuard?

    i know you said stop asking, but just once for the shaving and running?

    glad to hear your dad's still alive (hey erik's dad!) and not in his grave as you would have had us believe.

    i don't really have anything to say here, i'm just sitting in procrastination station.

    okay, i have to write about sudan and the genocide in darfur.... yippee...

    At 6:57 PM, Blogger particleman said...

    i have the cure for what ails you. i thought of it myself (as opposed to mike judge).

    bring an electric screwdriver to work. sometime around lunchtime, pull out your lunch. set it in front of you. stand up and unscrew the screws holding your cubicle together. smile. eat your lunch. come to work the next day in flip flops. play tetris. or if you prefer, surf the web. you know what i mean.

    At 7:51 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

    God! That's terrible about your dad! <---joke
    You know you could be running the family business helping your dad make clones of overly hairy, animalistic types who run through the streets in their underwear after celebrating a full body shave. I wonder how your dad came up with such a business. It's like he knew there would be a high demand for freaks like you in this world.
    Lois Lane

    At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You need a job where your title is "Renaissance Man." Your schedule might look like this:

    Monday: Run around showing off newly shaved body
    Tuesday: Fake the deaths of one or more family members
    Wednesday: Dispense faulty relationship advice
    Thursday: Protect the secret identities of comic book heroes.
    Friday: Compare sleeping w/ eyes open to sleeping w/ eyes closed.

    I'm sure there's someone out there who will pay you a gajillion dollars for your expertise in these areas.

    At 11:37 PM, Blogger Happy Birthday! said...

    All kidding aside, I think you should seriously send in some of your posts as submissions. To, you know, humor places or newspapers or magazines or wherever you send these things. O2, 03, we're on the earth. How hard can it be?

    At 10:19 AM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

    are you back yet?

    At 8:36 AM, Blogger Erik said...

    unca-that question is way too hard! what happens to the handmaiden, anyway? i'm interested in the handmaiden.

    pman-i like the idea, but my cubicle walls are actual wood. holler! i forgot to put that under the pros.

    lois, i don't know how my dad thought up the idea of the hairy sprinters. that's an interesting question, one which i hope does not have an actual answer.

    hf-i'm back, much to your delight. i didn't know you used to work with autistic people. i used to do that, too. cured about 20 of 'em.
    boom, done.

    erin, that schedule looks like something a person with no actual skills would do. oh. yeah...

    thanks anya. my guess is, pretty hard. but your words have brought sunshine to an otherwise gloomy day, a day of death and rotting.
    okay, not that drastic, but thanks.

    At 4:31 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

    Amen to what Rebecca said.

    We also need to light a fire under Gart's ass - he hasn't updated his blog in a very.long.time.

    At 7:02 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

    peer pressure and subtlety doesn't seem to be working here.


    At 2:51 AM, Blogger Erik said...

    hey gang! don't take methamphetamines, i'm here! or maybe that's just for heather. heather, don't take meth, it's a total gateway drug!


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