Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My friend was talking about peeing and how much Portlanders pee. Weird, I agree. But she's a fighter, and she functions without government assistance of any kind. More power to her. Logically, this got me thinking about the FDA daily recommended allowance of water atoms. As you know, President Bush ran under a pro-water platform, and the issue was hotly debated throughout the 2004 campaign. I think it may have even been the central topic for debate number 3, but that's neither here nor there. My real point is that water is very important, and that many organisms use water to live. I drink a lot of it, for example. Also, our bodies are machines. They are water machines, dedicated to producing water molecules, as well as babies, if you're a woman.

However, new research shows that you should also drink soda pop, and lots of it! It should be noted that these findings were dependent on whether or not you want to be obese and go to the dentist a lot.

I hope you guys find this information useful. I also hope I write about something interesting soon, just to mix things up. I have a feeling you won't want to miss my next post, which could either be about those rolley-polley bugs, or efficient vacuuming techniques. Stay close.


At 11:59 PM, Blogger The Witch Doctor said...

I'm quivering in anticipation over the rolley-polley potato bugs....

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Erik said...

Awesome! You will not be disappointed.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Erik said...

since i'm so dumb, the last line used to say
'rolley-polley potato bugs', but i had to change it, because who's gonna pay attention to any of my future insect posts when they find out i don't even know what a potato bug is. thanks for nothing rebecca! is a rolley-polley the one that rolls into a little ball? or maybe that's a wasp. what's a bee look like again?

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Okay, I think "potato bug" is used to describe both Jerusalem Crickets (ugly orange and black alien bugs) and roley-poley's. At least, in my world.
So everybody's right, and everyone wins. Yay!

At 1:56 PM, Blogger unca said...

You mean "pill bugs"


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