Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Hey look at this title

Unsurprisingly, this site gets hundreds of visitors (or two, I can't remember which) per day. As you might imagine, responding to the load of emails (none) is a pretty daunting task. If I don't reply right away, that means you never sent me anything (very likely). So lacking any real direction, aside from Rebecca and Josh's extremely useful suggestions for tuna-oriented discussion, I've settled on a crap-off-the-top-of-my-head motif.

With that in mind, you know when a radio station does some sort of promotion for a blood drive or car wash, or whatever? It doesn't matter how uninteresting the event is, the DJ is always having a heart attack about HOW UNBELIEVABLY COOL it is. Often it's difficult to determine whether aliens have landed, or if someone has donated 1 dollar to fight toenail cancer, as both of these occurrences evoke equal amounts of enthusiasm from the DJ. I wish they would just be honest and say,

"Ok, This Walk-A-Thon is quite possibly the most boring experience I've had in life, to this point. It is utterly devoid of any entertainment value whatsoever. In fact, I strongly encourage listeners to drive by and throw eggs or something, as that might spice things up. Thanks."

And then I'd be cool with it. But it doesn't matter if they're broadcasting from some kid's lemonade stand or at a paint-drying contest, they'll try to pass it off as the most fascinating, wild and crazy event ever--and if you don't drive over right now to check it out, you probably suck or are really stupid or something. One good thing though, if the event is exceptionally terrible, it's fun listening to the DJ convince himself that things are rockin'...

"Yeah, I'm over here in the Sherwin Williams Janitor closet, and is it ever going nuts in here! This could be premature, but it looks like the ProClassic Super Gloss is drying up just a *hair* quicker than the StylePerfect Flat mixture! I just didn't foresee that! But you don't need me to tell you about it, get down here and check it OOOUUUUTT!! Also, I think they locked me in here--maybe somebody could just come down, if even to open the door for me? Somebody? A little help here? Anyway, this is awesome!"

Maybe this isn't a big deal to anyone else, but if I'm going to spend a saturday with KROQ at say, Fairview Middle School library, I need to know: Are things *actually* rockin' down there, or do I need to plan my social life around a different radio station? Do not toy with me KROQ!


At 12:13 PM, Blogger Gart said...

I like the artificially pumped-up feeling I get from zippy station-identification soundbites, too. Why do these invariably involve either electronic zapping sounds, a stutter (K-K-K-KROQ, We REALLY ROCK...), or both?

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Really! It's like, I know how much you rock, ok? Now if you could play some actual music, in lieu of the synthesized laser noises, that would rule.


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