Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Here's a riddle for everyone: What sounds like a Greenpeace commercial, but is actually a Chevron commercial? You guessed it, a Chevron commercial. Has anybody seen these? For that matter, has the Chevron marketing team even seen them? Lately it appears as if all original members of Chevron's ad team were fired and replaced by Berkeley freshmen majoring in Earth Day. I can't tell if they're selling incense, really excellent karma, or what. The ads open with some cheesy narrative about Chevron's mystical spirit-quest to find alternative fuels. Then at the end, they ask, "Will you join us?"

Riiight. Earth is rapidly morphing into an oversized, unihabitable asteroid with no oxygen and apocalyptic floods, but no one else cares, just you guys. You're blazing new trails in conservation. That's like me making a commercial about how Family Circus is a funny comic strip, and how I don't want to kill the author of it, Bil Keane. I obviously do want to kill Bil Keane, so such a commercial wouldn't make any sense. Truly perplexing, somewhat like a Mentos commercial. Which reminds me, do not be misled, Mentos. Your ads were so lame, even Bil Keane hated them--but most Americans figured they were the result of an elementary school create-a-commercial day, put on by retarded 1st-graders and Jessica Simpson. So we gave them a pass. However, there are limits. I shall set them.

Back to Chevron, though. I understand the financial advantage in declaring your company environmentally conscious. But first you must prove you're even the regular kind of conscious. Like where you respond to physical stimuli and all that. I should add that smoking a bunch of weed before you write a television commerical does not make your organization "green". That sucks, I agree. It would be a sweet loophole.

It is my opinion that these ads out-annoy even the drug ones, where you're not sure whether they're selling rolling pastoral hills, a certain type of medication, or a coastal time-share. All I can think while I'm watching any drug commercial is, "I hope it's like Viagra, but more powerful." Anyway, that's a different problem which I will discuss privately with my physician.

One thing I'll say for the gasoline ads, they're effective at making me not want to buy any gasoline, ever. But I have to balance this against the fact that they are a gross insult to my intelligence. So I find myself torn. Granted, some oil companies such as BP actually contribute monetarily to U.S. alternative energy research. There are two possible explanations for this.

1. All crude oil supplies will be exhausted within 1 month, but nobody knows except BP.


2. All of BP's corporate strategies are now devised by UC Berkely Transgender Animal Protection Earth Day majors with a political alignment slightly left of Karl Marx, and no real business skills to speak of.

Sadly, I'm not sure which of these is less absurd. Now I will show you my timeline which further explains the know what? I'm not even going to lie on this one. It doesn't explain anything, but I used 4 different colors, if you count white and black. You probably remember this timeline from U.S. History Class, but were too busy learning a new juggling trick during a movie, which earned you a quick trip to the principal's office. Ok, that was me. Still, though, check it out.

Now that you understand the history of oil in America, maybe you could explain it to Chevron. I think they need serious help if they're asking the general public for assistance on the alternative fuel thing. At this late stage in the game, it almost seems like they would've hired one or two scientists to look into the matter. I haven't even taken a chemistry class since high school. I'm a little rusty, to say the least. Best of luck to them, I guess.

Alright, I'll talk to you guys later, I have to get in my car and drive 60 feet to my mailbox. They moved it to one of those all-in-one type deals. SO annoying.


At 1:57 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

did i need to read the whole thing? because i got to "majoring in Earth Day" and alost went pee pee on myself with the giggling.

which i shall also discuss privately with my physician.

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I laugh out loud at this post and timeline but try to suppress it somewhat because I'm at work and laughter is not allowed here? Yes.
Did a little bit of spittle thusly get onto my screen? Maybe.

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I laugh out loud at this post and timeline but try to suppress it somewhat because I'm at work and laughter is not allowed here? Yes.
Did a little bit of spittle thusly get onto my screen? Maybe.

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aslo, did that comment show up up doubly? Absolutely.

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm glad you posted this (in more ways than one, actually!) i have always thought the incongruity of chevron and the "saving the environment" spiel was over the top but never had a venue to vent about it -- so thanks for doing it for me (and obviously much better than i ever could)!

also, thanks for making me laugh in general as it's been a tough day and this post helped...

At 11:11 PM, Blogger jay are said...

we sold our house from the 60's with its avocado greens and dirt browns and oh--did I mention?--its own OIL REFINERY. Dang. There's no buying it back now. Where were those forward-thinking ad guys then??

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, uncle Eric! I mean Erik! I mean whatever!
How come you haven't linked to my awesome blog yet?
I think I deserve it.
Also, sorry about not having done your superhero picture yet. It's still gonna get done eventually.

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All their hypocrisy problems will be solved if they just put green dye in their oil products. Chevron Oil: a Green Energy Source.

Erik, you are the visual aids champion.

At 12:15 AM, Blogger Erik said...

hf-you should definitely read the rest of it. at the end, you will be smarter, and more beautiful.
if that's even POSSIBLE!

benny-i love the spittle. keep it coming.

si-you're welcome. some have called me the "voice of the people." others have said, "you are a moron." it hurts my feelings when they say that second one.

jay are, even though it seems inconvenient to have one of those in your home, don't ever sell them, ever! ok?

dear niece, i will link you at the same time you finish my superhero drawing. just kiddin', i'll link you before then, but c'mon!

dottie-i appreciate the compliment on my timeline. i'm pretty sure that's the only one i'm gonna get, so thanks.

wait, i think someone else likes it, too. Derek, it appears as if you also appreciate the finer things in life , such as my timeline, so i've added you to my visual arts mass-mailing list. you're welcome.

At 10:50 PM, Blogger SoozeSchmooze said...

Ah are absolutely hysterically funny!! I must say I just love to read your far out posts...but I do have one is it that you are so up on commercials??? Could it be over exposure to the boob tube?? :) I mean....I just find commercials be so annoyed you must watch them way too much..and as I recall..every time I have watched TV with you you just channel serf during the commercial breaks!! hummmmmmmm
thoughts to ponder!! as I continue to laugh hysterically! thanks for the insight...really man...I appreciate it a lot...and couldn't agree more!! well maybe I could...soozeschmooze

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Come Back Erik!! It's been a month already!

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Left Coast Sister said...

Since this post is so old, I'm sure you're not reading the comments, but do you remember that scene from LA Story, that Steve Martin movie from the 80s or early 90s? Where he gets in his car to drive to his next door neighbors house? Funny stuff.
And I'm glad, so glad, that Chevron has a conscious. I wonder how much he is making per year, although given that the position is likely outsourced to some person in a 3rd world country, probably not that much by our standards.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

remember when erik posted this and we were still reliant on fossil fuels?

At 7:15 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Kind was so long ago.....

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you, Erik? Have you gotten lost in the dark bowels of Hollister Co. and can't find your way out?

At 3:49 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

i wonder if erik even knows people don't use high speed internet connections anymore.

there have been such advances in nanotechnology since his last post and everyone's got a micromodem and browser in their brains.

but i won't give him too hard a time, he said i was the pinnacle of smart and beautiful.


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