Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Rest assured, I wouldn't write an entire post about my love of mall food courts if I didn't think it was absolutely vital to do so. At the same time, I freely admit this love is a touch strange, since I'm highly sophisticated in every other way. I have accomplished many things in this lifetime, and have received several major awards. Here is a brief synopsis of my achievements. Fourth place trophy soccer trophy when I was 12--accomplished. Knew someone who knew someone who joined the peace corps--accomplished. Wooed exotic foreign women. Who only wanted my money. Because I'm an American. Accomplished. I can't pretend I'm not impressed by all of it, because I am--what's problematic is attempting to reconcile my past successes with my current love of food courts. Since that likely can't be done, the only thing left is to tell the truth about why food courts rock so hard.

First, let's take a peek-see at the numbers. Most malls usually have about 12 restaurants in their FC (food court). Picture, in your mind's eye, 12 restaurants in a 30 yard radius. That's like winning a food lottery, but all you have to do is go to the mall. Granted, a vast majority of these restaurants may be Hot Dog On A Stick. There's a very real danger of that. Yet it's possible that 2 of the restaurants might not be Hot Dog On A Stick, so eat up. The second, and most important benefit to a typical food court, is that it represents the broad spectrum of emotion and experience that is the human condition. Just yesterday I was at "the court", and a man sits down 2 tables over, deeply engaged in conversation with himself. What terrible and wonderful things had this wandering soul been witness to? Where was he travelling from? Sears? Possibly, but I didn't see him until he sat down, so I couldn't be sure. Regardless, it was a Saturday, so Two-For-One Tuesdays at Cinnabon was still 3 days off. If that man really liked Cinnabon, then think of his torment, his anger. Can you even enter into that? It is inexplicably beautiful.

Across the way, a pale-faced adolescent female with jet-black hair speaks in hushed and solemn tones to her equally gothic teenage boyfriend, eyeliner hastily-applied. And now he is her ex-boyfriend, because she broke up with him. He probably deserved it. One table over, a baby laughs. Then it vomits all over everything. As you can see, the typical components are there. Sorrow, joy, disappoinment. Stomach discharge. It is inexplicably beautiful.

If what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you, then you have not the proper regard for life's beauty. I liken you unto an enormous apathetic robot that only makes beeping sounds, and bumps into everything. Perhaps this food court drawing I made will appeal to the last pitiful remnants of humanity which remain within you. Down the road I will explain how this picture is similar to all of Michaelangelo's works put together multiplied by one thousand, but for now, you'll have to take my word for it.

If it makes you feel less sorry for me, that drawing only took me about 3 hours. So I definitely think it was worth it.

In closing, mall food courts teach us first about life. Then, they teach us how there are some seriously weird people out there. And that kind of entertainment can't be bought. Someday you will understand that what I've shared with you today sums up everything there is to learn about the nature of man, as well as human history. But if you can think of anything else, by all means. You can buy me some Hot Dog On A Stick, and we'll talk about it.


At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

most excellent post, erik. of course i didn't read it too hard, but it had pictures, so that makes it super cool.

what i did like is that you mentioned me, what with my friend being in the peace corpse. i don't know what's so peaceful about corpses, but... who am i to naysay her life choices.

if i may comment on your picture, the human condition looks pretty sad, what with "you" being "here" outside of the FC and probably even standing between the dumpsters of hot dogs on a stick. but itt was thoughtful of you to include the hula hoop and the yellow rectangle. some may say hot dog on a stick overshadows them.

i would ask for your pity, in closing, in that i've never had a hot dog on a stick from hot dog on a stick. i've had their lemonade, and i've had a bite of their wad of fried cheese on a stick, but never their title, an i assume pinnacle entree.

i think it's freudian.

At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love when you write a whole entire comment and then when you click send, it tells you that it can't find the server and you get to start all over....
ANYWAY, what I said was that I mostly love to watch the hotdog-on-a-stick people hop up and down while (supposedly) making lemonade, vying for the "dumbest activity award". It's not to be missed. Neither is the salad at Rubio's.
Another thing to bear in mind is that heatherfeather could most likely tell you how to get all your vital information back up to the top of your blog instead of languishing at the bottom. You most likely already know how and just like to play with our minds.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Erik said...

hf-you say the human condition looks pretty sad, but it's all relative. for all we know, the person on the map standing between the dumpsters is not a quadriplegic, so he's doing pretty well, on the whole. he might even be offended that you think his lifestyle is not up to par. but i can appreciate what you're saying anyway.

oh yeah, and i've never thought of a hot dog as anything BUT a hot dog, because i am pure in all ways. give me some time, and i'll probably win an award for that, too. it's called heaven, maybe you've heard of it.

jay are, i think the hot dog on a stick people at my mall think they're way too cool to do the jump up and down thing. maybe i'll yell at them next time and tell 'em to do it on pain of death.

p.s. i'm not sure how, but i didn't notice how jacked up my blog looked until i read your comment. now of course i've solved the problem, and moved onto other challenges.

At 12:09 PM, Blogger SoozeSchmooze said...

I thought the post was super Erik..
but really the comments are great too including yours...I mean is there no end to the entertainment a FC can provide???? I did note though you got on HeatherFeather about her assumptions about said people...I felt that you also made assumptions...perhaps you should get off your bench and go talk to those folks and get the facts straight?? (that might make for a much more boring read though!!)

For myself..the whole FC thing is just job security!! Do you think that is cold?? lol...SoozeSchmooze

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ahem. I would like to point out that you can upgrade on of your accomplishments from "knows somebody who knows somebody who was in the Peace Corps" to, "knows somebody who was in the peace corps."

Granted, I did have a three bedroom flat with electricity and running water. But I had to make pizza on the kerosene burner, and try not to run into goats and chickens whenever I rode my bike. That's got to count for something. I won't even mention Tumor Goat. Beyond that mention, I mean.

Nice graphic! I wonder what happens to people who walk too close to the circle of death as they leave the Hot Dog on a Stick venue? Does their hot dog get sucked right off the stick and into the vortex?

At 5:16 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

i do not know this "heaven" of which you speak - is it near st. cloud, minnesota? because that's just too cold up there for me.

and just so's you know, i could have told you how to resize your picture on flickr without deleting it and reposting it smaller with a strange size like 413 x 502. 'cuz i'm cool like that. (see how much your approval matters to me?)

and erin, my friend yaymee's in the peace corps in africa and she just found out what town she'll be in after training's done, and they have electricity from 6 pm - 11 pm and pizza in the town! she also says that the goats and the monkeys are very noisy during training and it's easy to be distracted. but no mention of tumor goat. yet.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Rob said...

Now I am laughing out loud in my office. But soon I will go to the mall, where I will be inexplicably beautiful.

Also, one time I was walking in the FC and I let my eyes follow the hips of two girls with short shorts and HDOAS hats, and when I turned back around the way I was going I was face-to-face with a young woman who smirked at me and said "You can put your eyes back in now..." It was inexplicably embarrassing.

Also, I'm trying to pretend there's nothing to snicker about in Erin's last sentence...

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That last sentence is designed as a purity test. I think you know whether or not you passed.

Heatherfeather, I was in West Africa but we didn't have monkeys. Monkeys tend to live in places where there are still tres.

At 5:42 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

oooh, where were you in west africa?

my friend is in guinea, and i have another friend that was evacuated from sierra leone (which sounds so freakin' hardcore, but then she was sent to i believe tuvalu and spent the rest of her time on a beach). if you're interested her guineaish blog is here

and bryan, i snicker at everything remotely dirty, and i missed that one. i've got to delve the depths of your mind sometime...

At 10:43 AM, Blogger particleman said...

hey erik, what about HDOAS Take-Out? You have to-go, but not take out. Blasphemy.

i was once pure, but then i read erin's post, and i am now corrupted. look what the internet did to me.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for the link! I was in Benin, which is squeezed between Nigeria and Togo, aka the "armpit of Africa." That's a geographical description-- it really is in that curvy part.


At 2:33 PM, Blogger Crystal said...


At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the off-hand chance that you ever revisit your (crazy) idea of leaving Hollister, it appears that you have a very promising career in graphic design.

I know someone who knows someone who might have an opening at his agency. I'll put in a word.

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I've been to a mall in years, but I think I might head over to the nearest one this weekend and see what the fuss is about..

At 8:40 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

i think that it's odd that my feet are always cold yet i haven't ever really gotten into wearing socks or slippers.

just sharing.

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(commenting on an old post) re food courts, hot-dog-on-a-stick, specifically: i went thru the food court recently at the mall in my town. they had changed all of the tables/chairs to this dark wood (cherry or mahogany-like). it actually looked not so food-court-ish. except when i looked straight ahead, hot-dog-on-a-stick was still hugely looming. it did seem a little incongruous... FWIW.


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