Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Warning, Idea-Tsunami!! I'm fairly confident my most recent musings will rock your socks off. However, before my latest revelations are unveiled, you should know that the quality control they've been subjected to is frivolous at best. Mainly, if a retarded squirrel could think of it, then that's the quality level we're talking about. But onward. I have assembled some of my more innovative ideas together, like a metaphorical idea squadron, or idea jet-fighter. No, not a jet-fighter. More like the squadron, I guess.

Have you heard of that Fear Factor reality show on NBC? Well don't worry if you haven't, because I thought of a new version which is about 50 times better than the original one. Easily 50 times. Perhaps more, but please don't press me on the exact number. I've clearly said 50, so when you say, "is it 51 maybe?", then that makes me frustrated, because I've already said what the number is.

The first part of the new show would be all of the contestants huddled around a video monitor, watching footage of gruesome freak accidents involving safety cable and harnesses. Then the video would show quadriplegics scooting around in motorized wheel chairs, with tongue-operated steering devices. This is a key component missing from the original show, because how high can the fear factor really be, if you don't even have to worry about being paralyzed afterwards? Maybe NBC should just rename their show "Slightly Disconcerting Factor" if they're going to sidestep the paralyzation thing. So that's my first and most basic improvement.

My next version is to allow only individuals with serious psychological disorders on the show. I'm talking total dysfunction here. Obsessive compulsives, manic depressives, multiple personality disorder, the full gambit. I bet the host doesn't even get past the first set of instructions before total chaos reigns. As far as the stunts, I guess the contestants would just eat each other’s faces off. I’m not saying that’s what all crazy people want to do, ok? But for the vast majority, this is what they like. Saying it's not true is not going to change things.

My final, and perhaps most ingenious brainstorm, is to have the entire show based on brain-altering childhood traumas. The host would bring out your third-grade crush, have her laugh in your face, and then spit on you. Then they'd find the guy who used to beat you up at recess everyday, and bring him out (Damien Rich). He would shove you to the ground and then stand on your head for the whole episode. Then the host says, "Get tough or die, suckers!" Then everyone leaves, and the challenge is to not hate yourself and want to die. I think this would appeal to American viewers, because at some point you have to stand on your own two feet and also support our troops. And I’m not fooling around about the troop support, so no hate mail please.

Those are my latest ideas. If you like them, fine. If not, you probably have some genetic deficiency, which is sad. But there's no free lunch in this life, so don't cry about it.
(see previous paragraph about self-sufficiency)


At 6:50 PM, Blogger particleman said...

i think it's key that the 3rd grade crush also bring the guy she married, just to make sure you feel completely inadequate and inferior. better yet, he's the guy that beat you up at recess. i think i'd watch a show like that.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Rob said...

pick me to be on that show!
or any show with face-eating, really.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Happy Birthday! said...

Is it 51 maybe?

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Blogball said...

I really enjoyed this post. I have always thought that a no holds bar Candid Camera would make great television. For instance: Slip someone a strong sleeping pill at bedtime. Then when they are sleeping helicopter the individual to a mountaintop equipped with hidden cameras. Then sit back and watch the fun when he or she wakes up.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Good Gravy! Where the hell'd my socks go? I know I had them on before I read about this Must See TV!
Lois Lane
P.S. U R A NUT ;)

At 10:23 AM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

Just a point of curiosity, how long have you lived in You First?

I visited there once but got hopelessly lost when I got to the fork in the road east of the gas station.

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Erik said...

anya-you know i will not hesitate to crush you like a beetle, so why do you press me on certain issues?

lois, i rocked them OFF, like i told you! hel-loh?!!

swandive-You First has been my home for way longer than i'd like to admit. but the fork by the gas station threw me off my first couple months here, too. if you ever want to come back, we'll go to the gas station and hang out and eat beef jerky. i'm not sure why, but we will.

blogball-i like that idea. the best part would be leaving them out there to die, and then later you could have cameras at their funeral. i think the grieving family members would understand that it's just TV, and that TV is a business. people are more practical than we give them credit for sometimes.


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