Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Let Freedom Ring And Also Gongs

I'd like to take a few moments out to talk about my executive desk gong, if I could. Well, I got it for Christmas, and I bet you don't even know what an executive desk gong is. It's a percussion instrument consisting of a disk, 3 ft or more in diameter (in the modern orchestra), often made of bronze, and struck with a felt or leather-covered mallet or drumstick. But smaller.

It makes a flat, barely audible pinging sound--I'm guessing the R&D budget is not extravagant if your main product is a desk gong. Not to mention, a regular gong can be nearly deafening in close quarters, whereas a mini-gong is only mildly irritating. Fortunately for those around you, there are several reasons to sound the gong. Some of these ideas were in my gong manual, and some I thought up by myself.

1. Making co-workers feel welcome by way of a small musical announcement when they enter your cubicle. Test cases have shown that you don't want to do this every single time your boss stops by, because he might not find it as funny as it actually is (People in positions of power sometimes get too serious, so you have to slash their tires to remind them to take it easy).

2. Stopping someone in mid-sentence when they get too boring. If they don't understand this obvious signal, gong should be struck in feverish, rapid-fire manner, until they become confused and ask if it's a bad time. Continue rapid gonging until there is no confusion.

3. If you're anything like me, you'll be listening to music in your headphones and think to yourself: "Britney Spears is a brilliant artist of the highest caliber. Yet, even her songs could use something extra". (usually along the lines of a different song). In rare cases though, all that's missing is a little plunking sound at the end: "...and I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic!" GONG! Yeah!

4. Impress hot asian receptionist with knowledge of the primary instrument of her forefathers. Try to be nonchalant here. The idea is to convey that you have much to offer, and that the gong is just a bonus possession that can be hers if she plays her cards right.

5. Announcement of bathroom breaks. 1 or 2 gongs.

6. As a weapon: When angry at co-workers, give warning gong, declare new decree or statute. New statute is up to you. Hurl instrument at heads of non-compliant.

7. It is time for co-workers to assist in the removal of your coat. Relieve me of my over-dressings, peasants! Gong!

Note: From time to time, fellow employees will come to believe they are above the desk gong. If you feel that the enthusiasm or respect level is not appropriate, let them know that every new gong means a new death in the office. This improves morale because they know it's shape up or ship out. In a coffin!


At 3:51 PM, Blogger unca said...

Another good use would be to cover up an unstoppable but forseeable burp or flatuation (this will require some planning on your part, though, if you want good synchrony).

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

I think you should have a ceremonial gong to announce lunchtime.
And one rapid-fire one to signify when your girlfriend calls and is chewing your butt. You could say it's you boss on a rampage again. It would be a quick exit from said phone call.
Wouldn't it be wise to bang the gong at the person who stinks up the lunchroom by microwaving some smelly leftovers?
Or gong once for each hour at the top of every hour.
And the main thing you forgot you could sing the top 80 tune Bangagong, while you, well, bang your gong. "Get it on Bang a gong Get it on..."
Damn, I wish I had a gong! You are a very lucky man! The young Asian thing cracked me up most!
Lois Lane

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Erik said...

It's true, I'm very priveleged. Some people just start out with more in life, I don't feel like I have to apologize for that. Your additional suggestions for gong use are great, but you have to admit that's a lot of gong-banging. Even for me. :)

Unca-I definitely like the thought process behind that idea. I can't believe I didn't think of that. However, did I mention that the gong produces only a tiny pinging sound? It would probably just end up sounding like I was creating very disturbing, smelly music.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Going back to a post of yours from awhile back....

Gong-Banging can be mildly annoying, but the worst that will happen is you'll be the focus of someone's glare for the rest of the day. On the other hand, Gang-Banging is a definite no-no, and can land you in jail.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Rob said...

gong me, gong me
they oughta take a rope and hong me
high from the highest tree-EE!
woman, wouldja weep for me?
doot-doot-doot-doot-dootleyoot-doo (gong)

At 2:45 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

I don't wanna work - I just wanna bang on the gong all day. Maybe you should get an orchestra of executive gongs to play along with Britney to make the song better (or inaudible). And you can morse code "I'm so revolted I might need to hurl before I can make it to the bathroom". Or just use three strikes of the gong as a general hurl warning for people to clear a path to the nearest basin-like object.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger Erik said...

There was a GHW (General Hurl Warning) issued from the cubicle of Erik Ryan yesterday afternoon around 4:30 pm. Bystanders report that though he was indeed getting his hustle on, he got tangled in his headphones as he bolted from his chair, and puked into his own hands.

Rebecca-I'm thinking of re-writing all blogger code tonight, are there any other changes you'd like to submit? Hurry, I'm going to start working right now. Ok too late, I'm not going to rewrite any of it after all.

mamacita-Only you would think of continuous gong-banging as a means to help you stay on task. ;)


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