Not Totally Inept

Breath-takingly insightful, if you're really dumb.

Friday, March 18, 2005

So I was in san francisco last weekend--and you can stop right there, because I already know what you're thinking. Swarming with gays, right? Well, this is not really a problem for me, because all I do is close my eyes very tightly and stay calm if one walks by. If you do this, you probably will not turn gay. Very simple, very effective. Remember, eye contact only encourages them in their ways.

Anyway, the homosexuals were not the focus of my trip to the big city. No, I was doing a little networking, making a few deals here and there. Not a huge issue. I turn deals faster than most people probably turn open a jar of peanut butter, but big deal. I'm not here to talk about my savvy business acumen, so I'll just allude to it in a passive-agressive tone. For example, I think the fact that I often will choose Target over Walmart tells you all you need to know about my yearly earnings. I can afford the top brands such as Cherokee and Arizona, so why not spoil myself? I play to win. Let's make our judgements from that information, shall we? Because I'm not comfortable discussing the specifics of my wealth, though I have nearly 50 thou in savings alone. Not to mention the $20,035.47 I'm holding in company stock, which I didn't intend to go into--but since you've forced my hand, there you go. And now you're asking me about the several acres of commercial property I own? That's pretty nervy, but I'll play your game. I own 10.5 acres, and you can write that down.

All I ask is that you not judge me solely on how much money I have, but rather on how my possession of that money is indicative of my inherent superiority over all others--others who would possess only a savings account of say, 35 to 40K. If this were Roman times, or even in the era of the Knights of Camelot, that 40K is not going to cut it. It would be off to the dungeons with that person, and without delay.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I paid my car off last month, and I think I'm starting to get a little more respect as a result. If this is not actually the case, I am not too proud to beg for this respect. Basically, if I could get even a sliver of recognition here, that would be nice for a change. What do I have to do, for crap's sake?? For once, I've done something good by paying off my car, and if you people could acknowledge that in some small way, I wouldn't have to make up all this stuff about having an actual balance in my savings account. Ok, I'm actually on food-stamps, are you happy now? I sure hope so.

But seriously, would a quick email be too much to ask? Something simple like, Hey Erik, I hear you paid your car off, good job. P.S. you're looking good in those jeans, have you been doing supersets on the squat machine? I can't help that I'm attracted to you.

There, just copy and paste that into an email, it won't take long. Thanks you guys.


At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marry me.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Dear Erik,

Wow, I heard you finally paid off your 1992 Ford Taurus - that is amazing! I am so proud of you!

At 10:04 AM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

Dear Erik, joy of my life, delight of my heart,

i hear you paid your car off, good job.

love, heatherfeather

P.S. you're looking good in those jeans, have you been doing supersets on the squat machine? i can't help that i'm attracted to you. it's more than anything, when you stand on the street in san francisco doing your best impression of a straight napoleon dynamite that i can barely contain myself.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Erik said...

hopefully the rest of you are getting the idea by now. we have 1 marriage proposal, and 2 extremely sincere congratulatory notes. hopefully, these examples will show you how i deserve to be treated. if anyone has any left-over food stamps, you can mail those as well.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Hey Erik, I hear you paid your car off, good job. ~ Lois
P.S. you're looking good in those jeans, have you been doing supersets on the squat machine? I can't help that I'm attracted to you.
P.S.S. too bad your gay and would have no interest at all in someone as financially stable and drop dead gorgeous as myself, however, I understand and I am not bitter. I think Jacque looks like a swell guy.
P.S.S.S. I thought it was cool how you "pretended" not to be gay.

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Rob said...

i cant beleive you would say that about gays they are people to you know! what if you were one or one of your closest freiends that happens alot and i bet you dont even know how many people are gay all the time right around you i think your a racist and homphobe and i hope all your children are gay it would serve you right.

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Erik said...

bryan, you being gay is punishment enough. :)

rebecca, i have to call b.s. on your topaz being awesome. just as a reminder, you and i went to the same school, so i'm not sure how you thought you were going to sneak the 'cool topaz' thing by me...

lois: thanks a lot for outing me in a public forum. you say you're not bitter, but i have my doubts. :)

At 5:18 AM, Blogger The Witch Doctor said...

Hey Erik, I hear you paid your Pinto off, good job.
P.S. you're looking good in those jeans, have you been doing supersets on the squat machine? I can't help that I'm attracted to you will you marry me? or at least have hot monkey sex with me?

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Erik said...

Rae, there you are. If you marry me, we can talk about the monkey thing. But not until you make me an honest man. :)

At 7:36 AM, Blogger particleman said...

Dear Erik (if that's even how you spell it),

I'm calling BS on this whole 'car' thing. Admit it, you didn't actually pay off a car. You paid off a pair of really expensive sneakers. You wanted to be one of the cool kids so you bought a pair of Air Jordans 3 years ago and they're finally paid off. I hope you didn't pay too much interest during those 36 months. Your business 'savvy' sounds suspect.

At 10:08 AM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

pps: erik, if someone sends you food stamps could you share some with me please? because unlike you, i have NOT paid off my chuck taylors yet, and it's been in process since 1993, and i only dream about driving air jordans.

rae, there's a really interesting documentary that they show from time to time on "late nite" TLC about human sexual behavior (wow! it's not ALL about remodeling houses) how female chimpanzees don't even notice when they males are having hot ape sex. so while apes and monkeys are vastly different (monkeys: tails, apes: no tails), it might not be that hot.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger particleman said...

dude, if you had Google ads, just think of the cool ads your page would generate with the words "hot ape sex" in your comments.


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Erik said...

p-man: BS huh? looks like somebody's not gonna be riding around with me in the pinto, is what it looks like to me. plus i could probably buy 6 pairs of jordans without even thinking about it. the jordans would be bought, and i would be just be standing there at the foot locker counter, not even knowing what's going on.

swandive-not only will i give you $2 in foodstamps, I will let you look at one of the 6 pairs of jordans i bought. you can look at them for 45 seconds.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Rebecca -- I couldn't remember what Erik drove in High School. I couldn't remember what anyone drove in high school....except you, so I thought I would use that car as my example.

...although, I forgot that it was a Mercury and guessed a Ford (so close!!)

At 12:50 PM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

>swandive-not only will i give you $2 in foodstamps, I will let you look at one of the 6 pairs of jordans i bought. you can look at them for 45 seconds.

ladies and gentlemen, he's generous too... this is the one they mean when they say "keeper."

At 12:18 AM, Blogger Happy Birthday! said...

That's so cool how you paid off your car. Now for that part that you control it with.


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