Back to Chevron, though. I understand the financial advantage in declaring your company environmentally conscious. But first you must prove you're even the regular kind of conscious. Like where you respond to physical stimuli and all that. I should add that smoking a bunch of weed before you write a television commerical does not make your organization "green". That sucks, I agree. It would be a sweet loophole.
It is my opinion that these ads out-annoy even the drug ones, where you're not sure whether they're selling rolling pastoral hills, a certain type of medication, or a coastal time-share. All I can think while I'm watching any drug commercial is, "I hope it's like Viagra, but more powerful." Anyway, that's a different problem which I will discuss privately with my physician.
One thing I'll say for the gasoline ads, they're effective at making me not want to buy any gasoline, ever. But I have to balance this against the fact that they are a gross insult to my intelligence. So I find myself torn. Granted, some oil companies such as BP actually contribute monetarily to U.S. alternative energy research. There are two possible explanations for this.
1. All crude oil supplies will be exhausted within 1 month, but nobody knows except BP.
2. All of BP's corporate strategies are now devised by UC Berkely Transgender Animal Protection Earth Day majors with a political alignment slightly left of Karl Marx, and no real business skills to speak of.
Sadly, I'm not sure which of these is less absurd. Now I will show you my timeline which further explains the know what? I'm not even going to lie on this one. It doesn't explain anything, but I used 4 different colors, if you count white and black. You probably remember this timeline from U.S. History Class, but were too busy learning a new juggling trick during a movie, which earned you a quick trip to the principal's office. Ok, that was me. Still, though, check it out.
Alright, I'll talk to you guys later, I have to get in my car and drive 60 feet to my mailbox. They moved it to one of those all-in-one type deals. SO annoying.